Affinis Fast Regular body
Product code : V27811 / A37631 A37631
Artikelnr leverancier : 6611
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Affinis Fast Regular body
Product beschrijving
Inhoud van de verpakking
2 Cartridges 50 ml
12 Universal Mixing Tips Refill
AFFINIS wash materials wet the tooth and gingiva extremely quickly and effectively.
Its hydrocolloid-like property ensure that the wash material flows into the narrowest areas without applying pressure.
Beside the low contact angle thanks to its structure-breaking property of the surfactant agent, AFFINIS fast regular body provides a medium wash consistency, an adequate stability and sets extremely fast.
Affinis Fast Regular body
Product specificaties
2 x 50 ml + 12 mengtips
fast regular body
dispensing gun
Affinis Fast Regular body
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