Master-Pin-X-Control Basic, BMPXB
Product code : A51242
Artikelnr leverancier : 79BMPXB
A51242Bone Management, Membranfixierung nach Prof. Urban
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Master-Pin-X-Control Basic, BMPXB
Product beschrijving
Master-Pin-X: The world's leading membrane fixation system - now even more flexible!
Pin system for membrane fixation - developed with Prof Istvan Urban.The basic system (BMPXB) comprises ten pins with thread (MP30), which are contained in a pin box. The matching screwdriver (TL0T1) for manual insertion is also included. The system also includes two twist drills with depth stop (203S) and two different drill bits for pre-drilling (203RF).
This set already contains 10 pins for membrane fixation
Advantages of the Master-Pin-X-Control Basic Set at a glance:
- Secure fixation of membranes thanks to new pins with thread made of biocompatible titanium alloy (grade 5)
- Simple and safe transfer and optimum force transmission during insertion thanks to Torx interface
- Drill with depth stop for safe placement of bleeding points for optimised bone regeneration
- Secure attachment of membranes now also in hard-to-reach areas (lingual)
- Generally no need to pre-drill thanks to self-tapping thread (only recommended for high bone hardness)
Master-Pin-X-Control Basic, BMPXB
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Master-Pin-X-Control Basic, BMPXB
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