Disposable sterile sponge-brush with nail pick
Product code : A41949
Artikelnr leverancier : 32.Z0500.00
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Disposable sterile sponge-brush with nail pick
Product beschrijving
Bacteria and other micro-organisms can spread through hands that come into daily contact with people,
food, clothes, worktops and all kinds of objects. That is why it is necessary to thoroughly clean and disinfect the hands.
The purpose of cleaning the hands is to:
- Remove debris, natural oils, creams and micro-organisms from the hands and forearms
- Reduce the number of micro-organisms on the skin
- Prevent growth of the micro-organism population during the operation
- Prevent the risk of contamination between the skin flora and the surgical environment.
Aseptic cleanliness of the hands is obtained through the use of mechanical and chemical processes
to control the two types of organisms present in the skin. The two types of organisms present
in the human body are resident or in transit. People acquire the micro-organisms in transit by direct contact.
These organisms generally attack the skin. During aseptic cleaning of the hands, brushing removes most transit micro-organisms.
Resident micro-organisms are the bacterial flora present in the skin, hair follicles, sebaceous glands and sweat glands.
These are very adherent and resistant to mechanical removal. During aseptic cleaning of the hands,
chemical action with antimicrobials and antiseptic agents reduces and neutralizes the resident microbial flora.
Disposable sterile sponge-brush for hands and nails, indicated for cleaning before surgery
Disposable sterile sponge-brush with nail pick
Product specificaties
25 stuks
Disposable sterile sponge-brush with nail pick
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